Ryan Hill - Leader, Team Builder, Veteran

Leader to Learn From: November 2021


Ryan Hill, Newmont Corporation


November 10, 2021

In our inaugural “Leaders to Learn From” feature, we are honored to introduce Ryan Hill. Margie and Ryan met in 2016 through their mutual involvement at Reading Partners, and have stayed friends ever since. 

As a military veteran, dad, volunteer, and leader at Newmont Corporation, Ryan has a wealth of wisdom to offer this world. Besides his great sense of humor (and epic punchlines), we appreciate Ryan's ability to consistently live out his values, combined with a relentless commitment to his growth. He's always learning, achieving, and seeking new opportunities to better himself and the world around him.

Most importantly, as we celebrate our military veterans this month, there is no one we'd rather feature than Ryan.


What is the most important lesson you’ve learned about leadership?

Have a growth mindset. We’re all trying to figure it out together. Nobody has the answer. But the leaders willing to learn and grow are the ones who will truly change the world.

How would you define your mission or purpose in life?

I spent a lot of time thinking about this to figure it out a few years ago and it was one of the best things I did because it now serves as my north compass. Mine is to develop leaders in every facet of life through strength of character, integrity, and grit. I encourage everyone to spend time reflecting on their mission or purpose in life. 

What are the most important habits you do most days?

Workout. To show up as my best self - for my family, colleagues, and community - I have to take care of myself. There’s a reason why when you do First Aid training, the very first step is not to check the victim. It’s to gain situational awareness to ensure you don’t go down in your efforts to help someone else. I view that as a life rule - if you’re not taking care of yourself, how can you possibly help someone else?

How do you manage setbacks and show yourself compassion when obstacles arrive?

I hold myself accountable to having a growth mindset. By doing that, I try to view a setback as an opportunity to learn and come back stronger next time.

What tips do you have for balancing your work and life, prioritizing, and avoiding burnout?

“I wish I’d spent more time working and less time with my family!” - said nobody ever. Figure out what’s important to you. You can always make and lose money. But you only lose time. The sooner you prioritize AND have the discipline to stick to those priorities the better balanced your life can be.

What advice would you have for someone who is trying to navigate their career path?

Be patient. Before jumping into something, step back and reflect on what your mission statement or “why” is. That will help you find that intersection between your passion and your strengths. Then, as you come across decisions to make along your career path ask yourself two questions. 1) Does this help me fulfill my why? 2) Does this sit at the intersection of my passion and my strengths?

What is one of your favorite podcasts?

Science Vs: A witty Australian host brings loads of facts your way to debunk myths or prove concepts using - you guessed it - science.

Favorite quote on leadership?

“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” - George S. Patton Jr.

I like this because it reminds me that for an organization to be successful people need to know when to lead and when to follow. Both elements are crucial to success.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

My 4-year old son is brilliant but also moves at his own pace (often slower than I would like). I tell myself, “he’s doing the best he can.” This gives me patience and grace with him, even when I’m running late in the morning! What if, as leaders, we looked at everyone we lead in our lives and gave them the benefit of the doubt by thinking “they’re doing the best they can?” How might that thought experiment alter your reaction to someone? Try it. 

Thank you Ryan, for your heart, humor, wisdom, and service to our country! 

About Ryan Hill

Ryan is senior manager of leadership development at Newmont Corporation, the world’s leading gold company and a producer of copper, silver, zinc and lead. Prior to his career in the corporate sector, Ryan spent 11 years active duty in the United States Army where he led teams of Soldiers from 2 – 200+. Ryan’s time in the Army started as a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division where he deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He then served with the 4th Infantry Division as a company commander in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. From there Ryan served along the Turkey – Syrian border in support of NATO operations. Ryan was later selected to teach leadership, kinesiology, and hand-to-hand combat at the United States Military Academy, West Point where he served his last few years in uniform. Ryan has a Bachelor’s in Sociology from Colorado State University, a Master’s of Education from the University of Virginia, and an Executive Masters in Business Administration from the University of Denver.

Outside of work, Ryan enjoys spending time with his family, being active outdoors, and volunteering with Reading Partners, a national children’s literacy organization. You can connect with Ryan on LinkedIn.

Margie Thirlby DuBois, CPC

Margie is a certified coach, leadership consultant, and founder and CEO of the Thirlby Company, a coaching and consulting practice based out of Denver, Colorado. Through her work, Margie helps people gain confidence and become who they’re meant to be in work and in life. Follow Margie on LinkedIn or on Instagram @coachmargie.


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